Soar High with Aviation and Airport Security Practice Test 2024 – Fasten Your Seatbelt for Success!

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What was the successful security procedure adapted by the FBI and Customs Bureau?

Metal Detectors

Explosive Trace Detection


Profiling is the successful security procedure adapted by the FBI and Customs Bureau. While the other options have also been used in security procedures, they have not been as successful in preventing crimes or threats. Metal detectors only detect metal objects, while the FBI and Customs Bureau deal with a wide array of security threats. Explosive Trace Detection requires trained professionals to properly use and interpret the results. Advanced Imaging Technology may offer a more detailed view of objects, but it is not as effective as profiling in identifying potential threats. Profiling allows authorities to gather information about individuals or groups and use it to identify potential security risks. This approach has been shown to be more efficient and effective in preventing crimes and threats than the other options listed.

Advanced Imaging Technology


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